Congratulations to creative and mission-driven oral care and wellness company Cocofloss, who ranked 1st in Customer Loyalty.
Average Icon Average NPS score 81
Rating Icon Number of ratings 995

Customer thoughts

Nothing to improve. I think you’re amazing!

Nothing to improve. I love Cocofloss and have recommended it to several people, including my dentist! Flavors and great and the quality of the floss is far superior to all others on the market. Thank you!

I absolutely love it. I suggest it to friends, family, and coworkers. I’ve even given it as a gift!

Absolutely nothing to improve! I recommend Cocofloss to everyone with whom the subject comes up! Cocofloss is the BEST!

GREAT product! I recommend Cocofloss to all my friends. I am also a receptionist at a dental office and regularly recommend Cocofloss to our patients!

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