Customer Happiness Blog

Andersen & Martini: Don’t build a spaceship before you launch

3 min read

My biggest advice to other companies is: to make it simple at the start and just start measuring.

Company background

Andersen & Martini (A&M) is one of the biggest Danish car dealers for used cars. They sell and buy cars and deliver outstanding service and advice about everything regarding purchasing a car. A&M have specialized in electric vehicles, and their advisors know everything about charging, range, and the specified needs when buying an electric vehicle. Their approach is strictly digital and data-driven, and they have automated a lot of processes to make the customer journey as smooth as possible.


A&M spends a lot of money to create leads for the physical store. When the prospect shows up in the store, they need to assure that they convert as many as possible to a sale.

“Sometimes it happens, that the chemistry between the potential customer and the sales consultant isn’t there, and other times we also make mistakes in handling the customer’s objections (price negotiation, trade-in car price, finance, insurance, service agreement, tires, etc.). This can then lead to loss of sales.”

In order to identify the red/unsatisfied customers and turn them into sales, A&M needed an easy plug-and-play tool to measure sentiment and gather comments after test drives and meetings.

“Also, this new focus was a way to send an internal signal to our sales staff that the management wouldn’t allow any sort of sloppiness when handling the prospects. Every prospect counts, and we need to approach them individually and give them the extraordinary service they expect.”

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“We have implemented the customer satisfaction score, so the prospects receive it a few hours after the visit. Then the score is pushed via Zapier into our CRM to every specific sales consultant and to the top management, so the negative comments and unsatisfied prospects get handled immediately.”

As an additional management tool, A&M’s PowerBI reports provide a quick overview of every sales consultant, so that the company can identify general problems.

“The implementation of Nicereply helped create a customer-centric culture, where the focus is on every prospect rather than selling most cars. Furthermore, we are able to turn some of our lost opportunities into sales by approaching the red/unsatisfied prospects, as we are now aware of WHY they didn’t purchase.”

In the near future, A&M plans to implement a second Nicereply metric, namely the Net promoter score survey.

“Soon we are about to roll out the NPS score after the customer has picked up their new car. Then we can start focusing on the loyalty and the word-of-mouth effect a good ambassador gives us, and at the same time put more attention to the delivery of the car post-sale, where the motivation for the sales staff historically drops.”

Nicereply surveys were selected for a very straightforward reason.

”We chose Nicereply because it was an easy and simple solution to get started and has a good and simple way to implement into other solutions. The most important thing with every digital project is to get started! When you have launched, you can start measuring and improving.”

According to A&M representatives, if other companies want to improve their customer experience, they should follow this simple recommendation:

“My biggest advice to other companies is: to make it simple at the start and just start measuring. Don’t build a spaceship before you launch, then there is a big chance the project dies in the process.”

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